Mark JR Scott

Selected Publications


"'That's hard': Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus and the Trauma of Reprobation." Early Theatre 23.1 (2020), 9-30.

“Irreconcilable Differences: Charles I, Henrietta Maria, and Jones's and Townshend's Court Masques.” Text & Presentation 2017, ed. Jay Malarcher (Jefferson NC, 2018), 40-54. (2017 Joel Tansey Memorial Award recipient).

Papers delivered:

“‘With a mutual love they all embrace’: The Homoerotics of Competition in the War of the Theaters.” Comparative Drama Conference, Orlando, FL, April 2018.

“Competition as Collaboration: Jonson, Marston, and the War of the Theaters.” Sixteenth Century Society Conference, Milwaukee, WI, October 2017.

“Body and Soul in the Stuart Court Masque.” Comparative Drama Conference, Orlando, FL, April 2017.

“‘(Un)fit to be crowned’: Charles I, Henrietta Maria, and John Fletcher’s Faithful Shepherdess.” Berkeley-Stanford Graduate Student Conference, UC Berkeley, April 2014.


(415) 694-2841
421 Wheeler

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