Hiring Information

How do I hire a new student?

  • Please complete our Google form for English Department Student Hiring requests. Departmental staff will receive a notification of your request once it has been submitted, and will then coordinate with our Berkeley Regional Services HR Team to initiate the hiring process. You should complete the entire form as early as possible as this is only the first step in the hiring process. Students may not start working until after they have been fully onboarded by HR.

How do I hire a non-student?

  • Contact Joemari Cedro directly, who will then connect you with our HR Partner at Berkeley Regional Services. They will work with you to create a formal job description for the work the non-student will be performing. This job description will then be sent over to the campus's Central HR Office for review and approval to determine the appropriate job classification which the non-student will be hired as.
  • Some non-student titles we've used in the past are Administrative Assistant, Research Assistant, Editor, and Translator.
  • Please note, the hiring process may take about a month or so to complete. As with students, non-student hires may not start working until after they have been fully onboarded by HR.

What happens when the individual I'm hiring already started work before completing onboarding?

  • Employees are required to attend an onboarding session with HR before they begin work to complete and sign the State Oath of Allegiance and Patent Agreement forms as they require witness signatures. This is not an HR process or requirement. It is a State requirement enforced by the UC Office of the President.
  • Failure to do so will result in a Damage Payment, which will require additonal paperwork to be completed by both employee and supervisor, as well as special processing by HR. This will also result in a delay in the employee's pay.

Can I hire a freelancer/independent contractor and be reimbursed?

  • The short answer is no. Please refer to our Purchasing Services page if you require the specialized services of an independent contractor, and contact Joemari Cedro before any work has commenced.

How do I approve a timesheet?

  • For approving monthly leave usage in CalTime (for GSIs and GSRs only), more information can be found here.
  • For approving timecards in CalTime (for bi-weekly paid Readers and Student Assistants), more information can be found here.
  • For approving timesheets in the online Reader/Tutor Timekeeping app (for monthly paid Readers), more information can be found here.
  • For approving manual timesheets (for late submissions, monthly paid Readers and Student Assistants), more information can be found here and below are links to the PDF timesheets.
  • Manual timesheets should be emailed to share_payroll@berkeley.edu. Our Berkeley Regional Services Payroll Team will accept an email approval from the Supervisor in lieu of signing the timesheet.

When are timesheets due?

  • Timesheet deadlines for on-time pay vary based on the employee's pay schedule (bi-weekly or monthly). Current deadlines can be found here.
  • Note, the payroll deadline for monthly timesheets is around the third week of each month. Therefore, work hours for the last week or so will have to be projected. If you prefer to record actual hours worked, you can instead submit a manual timesheet after the deadline.
  • If you miss the deadline, please submit your employee's timesheets as soon as possible. If they use CalTime or the Timekeeping app to report hours, then complete the corresponding manual timesheet for your late submission. Their paycheck will not be issued on time and will have to wait until the next available off-cycle pay date.
  • Note for the Timekeeping app, monthly-paid Readers can report their missed time for previous pay periods going as far back as 6 months and will then receive pay on their next on-cycle pay date. If they want to be paid sooner for the missed time, they can instead submit the monthly manual timesheet for an off-cycle pay date.

When are paychecks issued?

  • Monthly paychecks are issued on the 1st of each month, unless that date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday. In those cases, paychecks will then be issued on the preceding business day, except for January 1st (New Year's Day) where paychecks are issued on the next business day.
  • Bi-weekly paychecks are issued every other Wednesday. The bi-weekly pay period is a 2-week cycle that runs from Sunday to the Saturday of the second week.