The Maude Fife Room (315 Wheeler Hall) is a 2,010 square feet room, arranged in a theater style with detached wooden chairs and with a maximum occupancy of 100 persons. There is a stage 2 feet high, 31 and 1/2 feet long, and 7 feet deep.
Audio / Video Capability
The stage is furnished with a podium (with reading light and microphone). The room is equipped with a distributive sound system over eight ceiling speakers. It has five microphones in all: the lectern mic and four table mics, one of which doubles as a hand-held mic. The table mics need to be charged beforehand, so please mention if you'll be needing them.
The room has a video projection system. Video options include a blu ray player that can also play DVDs and CDs. Controls for the projector and blu ray player are located on the wall, just to the left of the AV rack (on the right side of the stage). Laptops can be connected to the AV system via HDMI or VGA cables located in the podium.

Internet Capability
Wifi is available and generally reliable. The room also has an ethernet port, but usually requires a long ethernet cable to use (depending on where the computer is set up) which can make for slow loading speeds.
Room Rates:
$500 for up to 4 hour rental
$800 all day rental
Pay via campus chart string or check made out to UC Regents
Please note:
- Food and beverages are prohibited in the Maude Fife Room.
- The Maude Fife Room is only available for academic activities such as lectures and conferences. Requests for social events, workshops, and classes will be denied.
- No nailing, pinning, taping, or pasting onto the walls is allowed. Any damage to the walls will be charged to the user.
- The room must be vacated by 10:00 p.m. No exceptions.
- Users are expected to check out a key to the Fife Room from the English Department office in 322 Wheeler Hall on weekdays between 10a.m.-12p.m. and 1-4 p.m. Keys are not available at other times.
- PLEASE LEAVE THE ROOM HOW YOU FOUND IT! If you rearrange the furniture please return it to its original configuration.

Cancellation Policy
Full refunds will be made to users who cancel within five (5) working days of the scheduled event. All other cancellations will be billed in full.
How to Reserve: non-UC Organization
If you are representing a non-UC organization, complete the following procedure to reserve the Maude Fife Room.
- Reserve the times you need here.
- Provide a Certificate of Insurance.
Information about the insurance requirements is available here. - Print out and complete the Contract form (PDF format)
- Submit all forms to:
Admin Officer
322 Wheeler Hall
Berkeley CA 94720
fax: 510-642-8738
e-mail: - You will receive confirmation of your reservation after you have submitted all forms listed above.
How to Reserve: UC Organization or Campus Department
If you are representing a UC organization or campus department, follow this procedure to reserve the Maude Fife Room.
- Reserve the times you need here.
- Print out and complete the Contract form (PDF format)
- Submit contract to:
Admin Officer
322 Wheeler Hall
Berkeley CA 94720
fax: 510-642-8738
e-mail: - You will receive confirmation of your reservation after you have submitted the contract form.
If you have additional questions, please contact Grace De Guzman at