C. D. Blanton


Nigel Alderman; C. D. Blanton
Edited volume, 2009

Selected Publications


Epic Negation: The Dialectical Poetics of Late Modernism (Oxford University Press, 2015).

Aftereffects: Late Capital, Late Style. (In progress)

Modernism's Metaphysics: In Search of Absent Causes. (In progress)

Edited volumes:

Financialization and the Culture Industry, ed. C. D. Blanton, Colleen Lye, and Kent Puckett; Representations 126 (Spring 2014): 160 pp.

A Concise Companion to Post-War British and Irish Poetry, ed. Nigel Alderman and C. D. Blanton (Oxford: Blackwell, 2009), xxviii + 298 pp.

Pocket Epics: British Poetry After Modernism, ed. Nigel Alderman and C. D. Blanton; The Yale Journal of Criticism 13:1 (Spring 2000): 208 pp.


"Eliot's Political Theology," forthcoming.

“Judgment and Social Being: Notes on Teleological Positing,” South Atlantic Quarterly 119:4 (October 2020): 725-34.

"Ezra Pound's Effective Demand: Keynes, Causality, and The Cantos," in Ezra Pound in the Present, ed. Josephine Park and Paul Stasi (London: Bloomsbury, 2016), 201-31.

"Modernism and Reification: Lukács, Benjamin, Adorno," in The Cambridge History of Modernism, ed. Vincent Sherry (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016), 802-19.

"Abstract in Concrete: Brutalism and the Modernist Half-Life," in The Contemporaneity of Modernism, ed. Michael D'Arcy and Mathias Nilges (Abingdon: Routledge, 2016), 17-30.

"Theory by Analogy," PMLA 130:3 (May 2015): 1-16.

"The Last Romantics?" in The Cambridge Companion to British Poetry, 1945-2010, ed. Edward Larrissy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015), 10-24.

"Reoccupying Metaphor: On the Legitimacy of the Nonconceptual," New Encounters between Literature and Philosophy, ed. Krzysztof Ziarek, Humanities.

"Form, Figure, and Ground: Auden and England after Modernism," in The Blackwell Companion to British Literature, Volume IV: Victorian and Twentieth-Century Literature, ed. Robert DeMaria, Jr., Heesok Chang, and Samantha Zacher (Oxford: Blackwell, 2013), 296-313.

“London,” in T. S. Eliot in Context, ed. Jason Harding (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011), 33-42.

“Medieval Currencies: Nominalism and Art,” in The Legitimacy of the Middle Ages: On the Unwritten History of Theory, ed. Andrew Cole and D. Vance Smith (Durham: Duke University Press, 2010), 194-232.

“Transatlantic Crossings,” in A Concise Companion to Post-War British and Irish Poetry, ed. Nigel Alderman and C. D. Blanton (Oxford: Blackwell, 2009), 134-154.

“Arnold’s Arrhythmia,” Studies in English Literature 48:4 (Autumn 2008): 755-767. [Reprinted: Victorian Hybridities: Cultural Anxiety and Formal Innovation, ed. U. C. Knoepflmacher and Logan D. Browning (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010), 13-25.]

“Invisible Times: Modernism as Ruptural Unity,” in Modernism and Theory, ed. Stephen Ross (London: Routledge, 2008), 137-152.

“The Politics of Epochality: Antinomies of Original Sin,” in T. E. Hulme and the Question of Modernism, ed. Edward P. Comentale and Andrzej Gasiorek (Aldershot: Ashgate Press, 2006), 187-208.

“Impostures: Robert Browning and the Poetics of Forgery,” Studies in the Literary Imagination 35:2 (Fall 2002): 1-25.

“Nominal Devolutions: Poetic Substance and the Critique of Political Economy,” The Yale Journal of Criticism 13:1 (Spring 2000): 129-152.


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