David Landreth

Associate Professor and Faculty Major Advisor

I work on the literature and culture of Tudor and early Stuart England. My main expertise is in materialism (in its Marxist, ancient, and "new materialist" manifestations); I am also engaged by problems of word and image, religiosity, and humanist learning.

Current Research: 

My current project looks at the scholarly and poetic project of "Renaissance"--the rebirth of the past in the present--as a scene of tumultuous feeling, both positive and negative, and construes both "feeling" and "past" in terms that are as materialist and sensuous as I can push them to be. The emotional patterns that have emerged as central to this investigation trace a strange set of interactions among envy, charity, glory, and shame in Renaissance approaches to matters from the medieval and classical past.


Selected Publications

The Face of Mammon: The Matter of Money in English Renaissance Literature. Oxford UP, 2012.

"Sidney and Money." The Oxford Handbook of Sir Philip Sidney, ed. Catherine Bates. Oxford UP, forthcoming.

"Early Modern Literature and Monetary Debate." The Cambridge Companion to Literature and Economics, eds. Paul Crosthwaite, Nicky Marsh, and Peter Knight. Cambridge UP, 2022.

"Donne's Monies."  John Donne in Context, ed. Michael Schoenfeldt. Cambridge UP, 2019.

"Spenser's Envious History."  Affect Theory and Early Modern Texts, eds. Amanda Bailey and Mario Di Gangi. Palgrave, 2017.

"How Does Matter Feel?" Review essay. Spenser Review 44.3 (Winter 2015).

"Wit without Money: Exhaustion and Abundance in Nashe's Accounts." The Age of Nashe, eds. Joan Pong Linton, Steven Guy-Bray, and Steve Mentz. Ashgate Press, 2013.

"Crisis before Economy: Dearth and Reformation in the Tudor Commonwealth." The Journal of Cultural Economy 5.2 (May 2012): 147-63. 

“At Home with Mammon: Money, Matter, and Memory in Book II of The Faerie Queene.” ELH 73.1 (Spring 2006): 245-274.

“Once More into the Preech: the Merry Wives’ English Pedagogy.” Shakespeare Quarterly 55.4 (Winter 2004): 420-449.


Wheeler Hall, room 402

Spring 2025 Office Hours

Tuesdays 2:00-3:30, Wednesdays 1:00-2:30. Click here to sign up for a slot (you must be logged in to berkeley.edu).