Selected Publications
"Pedagogy, Politics and Betty Dodson's Liberating Masturbation", Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, forthcoming
""Betwixt and Between”: Rejecting modernist aesthetics in the contemporary middlebrow feminist novel", Modernist Studies Association Conference, Portland, 2022.
"“Do you ache for him?”: Uncloseted Queer Desire in NBC’s Hannibal", NeMLA Annual Convention, Baltimore, 2022
"Orgasmic Knowledge: Betty Dodson’s Masturbatory Politics" ASAP/12, virtual, 2021.
"Unsexing the Queer: Quentin Crisp in British National Culture." Queer Celebrity Conference, Portsmouth, 2019.
"'it draws so oddly on the sexual': AIDS, Gay Aesthetics and Unspeakability in The Man with Night Sweats" , Transient and Resident: A Thom Gunn Symposium, Berkeley, 2016.
“Domesticating the Plague: Realism, History and the Everyday in AIDS Fiction”, Prosaic Imaginaries: The Novel and the Everyday, 1750-2000, Sydney, 2014