Jasper Bernes

Continuing Lecturer

Jasper Bernes specializes in 20th-century American literature, with an emphasis on postwar poetry and poetics, Marxism, and political economy. His first book, The Work of Art in the Age of Deindustrialization (Stanford UP, 2017), examined the role poetry and art play in the postindustrial restructuring of labor. He is presently working on The Test of Communism for Verso.

Current Research: 

Genre theory and poetics. The historical novel. Literature and revolution.



Selected Publications

"Poetry and Revolution," After Marx, ed. Colleen Lye and Christopher Nealon, Cambridge UP (forthcoming)

"Planning and Anarchy," South Atlantic Quarterly, 119.1 (January 2020)

"Character, Genre, Labor: The Office Novel After Deindustrialization" Post45 1.1 (1.10.19)

"Art and Revolution," Sage Handbook of Frankfurt School Critical Theory, 2018

"Art, Work, Endlessness: Flarf and Conceptual Poetry among the Trolls," Critical Inquiry 42.4 (Summer, 2016)

Spring 2025 Office Hours

Tuesday from 1:30-3:15