Declaring the Major


To be eligible to declare a major in English, the student must have completed:

  1. at least 30 units
  2. the L & S Reading and Composition requirement
  3. two of the following major course requirements (with a letter grade):  
  • First course must be either English 45A or 45B
  • Second course must be either English 45A, 45B, 45C, 90, or Shakespeare

NOTE: if you are currently taking the course and do not have a letter grade just yet, we cannot declare you. Please wait until you receive a letter grade. To check, go to the MyAcademics tab located in CalCentral.

How to Declare

To declare a major in English, students will need to fill out the English Major Declaration form after they have met the requirements with letter grades in required courses.

Students who have taken all coursework towards their major at UC Berkeley (and have received letter grades) will indicate that on the Google form. Students who are articulating coursework from other colleges or universities to declare the major should confirm that their transcripts are uploaded to CalCentral prior to submitting our Google form. (You can confirm this by looking under "My Academics" at the Transfer Credit Report, which should show all of your articulated coursework. If your articulated coursework is not available on the "Transfer Credit Report" on CalCentral yet, please wait until it has been uploaded into CalCentral before declaring.)

After declaring, English majors should consitently check their Academic Progress Report (APR) on CalCentral and meet periodically with an English major adviser to monitor their course of study.