Grace Lavery

Associate Professor

My work addresses the history and theory of interpretation under capitalism, with a focus on the ascription of sexual meaning to flesh. Embarking from the psychoanalytic insight that flesh is both meaningless and the means by which meaning becomes possible, I have studied rarefied and complex construals of flesh in a set of highly-specific historical circumstances: the late-Victorian obsession with Japanese effeminacy (in my first book, Quaint, Exquisite); the emergence of the transsexual as a focal point for modern ideas about bodily technique (in my second scholarly monograph, Pleasure and Efficacy); the rigorous making and unmaking of the modern heterosexual in the postwar sitcom (in my third scholarly monograph, Closures); and in the late-liberal period’s cinematic, literary, and metaphysical narratives of demonic possession (in my current research project, “Personal Demons: Possession Narratives of Late Liberalism”). I also work creatively in prose as an author of autobiographical writing, generic and stylistic pastiche, and fiction, exploring alongside my critical work the generic and formal frameworks within which the body becomes writable. My first memoir, Please Miss, was published by Seal in 2022----through revisions and rotations of a central set of metaphors and images, the book explores the various meanings ascribed to the ghastly, whitened face of a circus clown, a figure through which conflictual determinations of racialization, sexual aversion, and subjectivation converge.

Current Research: 

I am completing a monograph about contemporary demonology and possession narratives, and two novels; one about constitutional law, the other about the West Midlands of England. 


Selected Publications


Pleasure and Efficacy: Of Pen Names, Cover Versions, and Other Trans Techniques (Princeton: Princeton UP, 2023).

Quaint, Exquisite: Victorian Aesthetics and the Idea of Japan (Princeton: Princeton UP, 2019).

Please Miss, (New York: Seal, 2022).

Selected Essays

"Generic Deductiveness: Reasoning as Mood in the Stoner Neo-Noir,” in Feminism Against Cisness, ed. Emma Heaney (2024).

“Trans Literature After Christine Jorgensen,” in The Cambridge History of Queer American Literature, ed. Benjamin Kahan, (Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming).

Do the Hustle!(link is external),” The Chicago Review (January 2022)

“Unqueering the Essay,” in The Cambridge Companion to the Essay, ed. Kara Wittman and Evan Kindley (Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 2022).

"Oh What a Circus,” response to Cliff Mak, ASAP/Journal, special issue on autotheory, ed. Alex Brostoff and Lauren Fournier, 6.3 (September 2021).

"Strategic Inessentialism,” with Jules Gill-Peterson, Transgender Studies Quarterly, 7.4 (November 2020).

“Generation and Class Antagonism,” PMLA, 135.5 (October 2020).

"Egg Theory's Early Style," Transgender Studies Quarterly, 7.3 (August 2020)

"Trans Realism, Psychoanalytic Practice, and the Rhetoric of Technique," Critical Inquiry, 46.4 (Summer 2020). 

"Fear of Commitment," in a special issue of Victorian Literature and Culture on Adorno, ed. Nathan Hensley and Molly Hillard, 48.2 (Summer 2020).

"The King's Two Anuses: Trans Feminism and Free Speech," Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, Winter 2019.

Still Weak After All These Years(link is external),” with Paul Saint Amour, response to the responses to the “Weak Theory” special issue of modernism/modernity (2019).

Grad School as Conversion Therapy(link is external),” Los Angeles Review of Books (October 2018).

"On Being Criticized," special issue on Weak Theory, ed. Paul Saint-Amour, modernism/modernity, 25.3, September 2018.

"The Mikado's Queer Realism: Law, Genre, Knowledge," NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction, 49.2, Fall 2016.

"Remote Proximities: Aesthetics, Orientalism, and the Intimate Life of Japanese Things," English Literary History, 83.4, Winter 2016.

"The Victorian Counterarchive: John Ruskin, Mikimoto Ryuzo, and Affirmative Reading," Comparative Literature Studies, 50.3, 2013.

"Deconstruction and Petting: Untamed Animots in Kafka and Derrida," in Demenageries: Thinking (of) Animals After Derrida, ed. Anne Berger and Marta Segarra (Amsterdam: Rodopi Press, 2011).

"Emergency Repairs Are Required On All Our Dams(link is external)," boundary 2 (2016).

"Sex Without Victorians: Kate Bush and Historicism(link is external)," V21: Victorian Studies for the 21st Century (2016).


"Bad Lip Reading, Glitch and the Phenomenology of Vocal Technique," at Errant Voices conference, U of Chicago (Chicago, IL: 2021).

"Egg Theory's Early Style: Sedgwick with Dalí," Harvard University (Cambridge, MA: 2020), canceled due to Covid-19. 

"Requiem for Superboy Prime," keynote at Queer Decadence conference, UC Irvine, (Irvine, CA: 2020), canceled due to Covid-19.

"Whither Urkel?," at ACLA (Chicago, IL: 2020), postponed.

"Trans Realism, Psychoanalytic Practice, and the Rhetoric of Technique," Berkeley Psychoanalytic Society, (Berkeley, CA: 2020). 

Trans Realism, Psychoanalytic Practice, and the Rhetoric of Technique," U of Wisconsin, Madison (Madison, WI: 2020).

"Trans Realism," Princeton University (Princeton, NJ: 2019).

"Trans Realism," Brown University (Providence, RI: 2019).

"So, You Just Told Everyone You're a Girl Now. Oops," Housing Works Bookshop (New York, NY: 2019).

"Quaint, Exquisite: Victorian Aesthetics and the Idea of Japan," University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (Milwaukee, WI: 2019).

“The Grammar of Attachment: Merce Cunningham,” part of Paramodernities, a curated dance production by Netta Yerushalmy, (San Francisco, CA: 2018).

"Some Pronouns for the Author of Middlemarch," Dickens Universe (Santa Cruz, CA: 2017).

"Exquisite/Victorian: Gilbert and Sullivan, Noguchi, Tarantino," University of Oxford, (Oxford, UK: 2016). 

"This Exquisite World," 19th Century Colloquium University of California, Los Angeles, (Los Angeles, CA: 2016).

"Ugly Realism," San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis, (San Francisco, CA, 2016).

"Japan and the Victorian Tradition," Osaka University (Osaka, JP: 2015).

"Girls and the Unconscious," San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis, Contemporary Dialogues in Psychoanalysis, (San Francisco, CA: 2015).

Selected Conference Presentations

"Beyond the Pleasure Principle at 100," Modern Language Association (Seattle, WA: 2020)

"Stonewall at 50," Modern Language Association (Seattle, WA: 2020).

"My Words to Victor Frankenstein Above the Village of Chamounix at 25," American Studies Association (Honolulu, HI: 2019).

"Trans Anti-Modernism," Modernist Studies Association (Toronto, ON: 2019).

"Decolonizing Victorian Studies," Modern Language Association (Chicago, IL: 2019).

"Trans Realism and the Rhetoric of Technique," Modernist Studies Association (Columbus, OH: 2018).

"The King’s Two Anuses," On the Subject of Ethnonationalism: The Transgressive Style and the Claim to Critique (Berkeley, CA: 2018).

"Brainwash Aesthetics," Novel Theory (Ithaca, NY: 2018)

"Form and Escalation," Modern Language Association (New York, NY, 2018)

"They All Did It," North American Victorian Studies Association (Firenze, IT: 2017).

"The Old Pornography Shop," Modern Language Association (Philadelphia, PA: 2017).

"Meta-Utopia: One Day We Will Have Better Ideas," Modern Language Association (Philadelphia, PA: 2017).

"Countertransference (Impressions of Theophrastus Such)," North American Victorian Studies Association (Phoenix, AZ: 2016).

"Bojack Horseman: Escape from LA," North American Society for the Study of Romanticism (Berkeley, CA: 2016).

"Madame Butterfly's Martial Art," Modernist Studies Association (Cambridge, MA: 2015).

"The Legitimacy Project: George Orwell's Dirty Postcards," American Comparative Literature Association, (Seattle, WA: 2015).

"The Exquisite Art of Castration: Kill Bill." (New Haven, CT: 2015).

"Whinging and Gushing," American Comparative Literature Association, (New York, NY: 2014).