Mark Goble


Mark Goble received his Ph.D. from Stanford University and taught at UC Irvine before coming to Berkeley's English department in 2008. His research focuses on the connections between literature and other media technologies from the late 19th-century to the present. 

He is the author of Beautiful Circuits: Modernism and the Mediated Life (Columbia) and his next book, Downtime: The Twentieth Century in Slow Motion (Columbia) is forthcoming in 2024. He is currently at work on a project about the post-Hollywood novel and the persistence of old media. Goble has published essays in numerous collections, and in such journals as DiacriticsELH, MLQ, and American Literature, as well as the Los Angeles Review of Books and The Brooklyn Rail. He is a Past President of ASAP: The Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present.



Selected Publications


Downtime: The Twentieth Century in Slow Motion. Colubmia University Press: forthcoming 2024.

Beautiful Circuits: Modernism and the Mediated Life.  Columbia University Press: 2010.


“The Slowest Music in the World,” Diacritics (forthcoming in special issue on “Deceleration”)

“Faulkner at the Speed of History,” in The Oxford Handbook of Twentieth-Century American Literature, eds. Leslie Bow and Russ Castronovo (Oxford University Press, 2022).

“Weird Times,” in The Cambridge Companion to 21st Century American Fiction, ed. Joshua Miller (Cambridge University Press, 2021).

“How Slow is Now?” ELH 85:2 (Summer 2018): 305-339.

“DeLillo, Slowing Down,” in A Question of Time: American Literature from Colonial Encounter to Contemporary Fiction, ed. Cindy Weinstein (Cambridge University Press, 2018).

“Live Nude Hitchcock,” Cambridge Companion to Alfred Hitchcock (Cambridge University Press, 2015).


Wheeler Hall, room 411

Spring 2025 Office Hours

By appointment